Wednesday, April 19, 2006

false alarms?

I mentioned something in a past post about being more hopeful 4 years ago than I am now. I hope this doesn't mean that I am jaded in anyway - it seems too stereotypical to be jaded in your 20s. One thing I have noticed as a change in my age group over the past four years:
people haver become more willing to open up and become friends with different types of people that they might not have considered to in high school.
A perfect example of this is my friend Kent (who I met this year). It's really hard to do Kent justice when describing him - but everyone understands the way I describe him once they meet him. Here's a try: Kent only moved to Canada (from Hong Kong) when he was 12, so he still has a bit of an accent but it's charming really. He's a short asian guy who somehow exudes authority (kind of like a chinese Napolean with a sense of humour) and says extremely offensive things but they end up being funny. For example: He went up to my friend Marie last year and told her "we went to high school together but I didn't talk to you because I used to hate white people". Good one Kent.
now they are good friends.
and I am also friend with Kent even if he tells me things like "Art history is history for girls, go get a real degree".

what i am trying to say that it seems that by university the supposid "cliques" of high school or whatever have broken down and no one really gives a shit if you are a jock, a nerd, a spoit brat, or a slut. Or all of the above.
Unless you go to Queen's then there is the AMS clique.
I find that at our age we seem to genuinely care for our friends, by creating a secondary family nucleus with a group, or many groups.

Where I see people my age getting lazy is when it comes to dating and relationships. This is an area where I see too many people have become jaded. Many people seem to avoid complication by "getting attached" or "getting emotionally involved" and "keeping it simple" by casually dating and well, just fucking around.
Ok, so I am part of this category. I am lazy too. Sometimes I really don't care and I'm sick of holding my extra pillow to cuddle with.
But the saddest consequence to all this laziness are the "emotional false alarms". Maybe it is just a girl thing... I don't know..
But you know that feeling when you meet someone, you chat for a while, and you think "I'd like to get to know them better" and you do and well... you lose interest becuase they don't seem to be trying at all to get to know you? Or, they are like you and just, well, lazy. And you might have had a few good dates/naked sleep over parties.. but then you just get busy?

I call them emotional false alarms caused by laziness.

Then again, if you like them doens't always mean you have to date them... they can just become part of your big group of friends.. along with all the nerds/jocks/spoilt brats... except they will forever be in the slut category.


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