Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Fine Balance

One of my biggest problems at Queen's has always been to find balance with everything that I do... And I recently this has been slipping. I feel like somone at a buffet dinner who has put too much on their plate and then feel sick after eating too much, and then still has some left on their plate.
I'm beginning to feel constantly drained and this is really a bad feeling. I'm starting to get so nervous that it is hard to fall asleep at night, or even eat properly, because I know I have time for nothing. Even to go to the doctor's now when I am feeling more sick that I have in a long long time.
It's almost the same feeling as going with with too many people at once and always making them feel second place in in your life because you don't have enough time for any of them and you don't know how to choose.
I seem to be disappointing everyone recently.
Especially myself.


Blogger Vim Vimma said...

Duuude, I can totally relate. I've been feeling like that for the past week or so. Hang in there kiddo, prioritizing is a bitch but it must be done. Those who matter know they do so you don't feel guilty that you're not giving them adequate attention *cough* like me! Ok enough Jackie-type inspiration, whatchu been up to you little whore? :D *runs and hides

10:52 PM  
Blogger Alykhan Velshi said...

It sucks being in a rut like that. I hope you work your way out of it and feel happier soon. Nothing much I can say except, prioritise among your responsibilities, figure out what's truly important and do that first and when you're in the best mood, deliberately avoid adding anything to your plate, and get friends to pick up some of the slack because that's what they're there for. And sleep in on Sundays!!! One day of really intense and long sleep can make up for a week of bad sleep.

You only have a month or so left so the light's on at the end of the tunnel. I really hope you feel better because that sucks.


5:44 AM  
Blogger Mlle C said...

Thank you for your support dear friends...

I'm feeling better... I didn't do a thing on Wednesday except for drug myself up with cold medication and sleep. It was bliss.

9:29 PM  

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