Tuesday, March 14, 2006

ode to my beloved ring

If any of you are at all perceptive, you might have noticed that I've worn a small blue ring on my right middle finger for about the past year and a half...
And yesterday it broke in the most unlikely fashion, I didn't even see it coming... One minute it was there and then the next part of it had broken off (mind you I had just done a kartwheel) but really, it has been through worse. You wear something for so long, it becomes part and you and then *bam* it's broken.
The worst was when I took it off... being the cheap 2$ chinatown ring that it was it SLICED ALL ALONG MY FINGER! what kind of ring does that to you after you ditifully wear it will every type of outfit, if it matches or not. The damn thing made me bleed, and I took it to Europe! And now it even hurts to bend my finger. Is that all it will leave me with? The phantom feeling of a ring a a massive paper-like cut alll the way along my right middle finger.
I even wondered where it was when I was in the shower and none of my hair got caught in it...
And I find myself with nothing to keep my hands busy...

Oh, my cheap-but-lovely-chinatown ring, I shall miss you... I feel like a part of me broke when you broke too... I won't be able to even think of trying to get another ring for sometime now.. I will cherish all the times we have had together.



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