Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I have a lot of school work to catch up on.
I have been really sick.
I'm graduating.

And I don't give a shit about a lot of things anymore.

I didn't show up to my office hours for peer advising this week. I didn't show up to do a tour at the art centre either.
I just really don't care anymore.
I am tired of commitments and spreading myself too thin.

Sure it doesn't make me feel great about myself or make me feel fulfilled but really I've reached a breaking point.
There is just so much pressure from different sources that I can take.

It's true, I need to stay postive. make lists.. whatever... but to do that I feel like I have to let certain things slide... I haven't really been impressed with myself this year, I was more on top of things last year. And then again, I had more time on my hands...

But what I have learnt is to remember my limits - I can't do everything I want too. Or atleast not all at once.
my friends have been my best support group (as vim likes to say) and I think I need them all now more than before.

This really is the final stretch of undergrad and I feel like I just need a little encouragement to help push me along. . .

--warning... rant ---

I was really excited to do the docent (tour guide) program at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre on campus this year.. but this term... I just haven't cared that much for it. The woman who runs it is an unappreciative, cold bitch who never shows us much appreciation for all of our work. When I asked her to write a reference letter last week for me she acted like it would be such an inconvenience for her.
I can't stand her and unfortunately this has reflected on my performance in the program.
I'll show up late, or not show up.. and then she will just get more mad at me.
I feel like this has been my first experience with a really bad boss... I had no idea until now how it would reflect on my performance.
Sure, I feel a little guilty because I actually love doing the programs - but I hate the woman in charge.
And I rarely hate people.



Blogger Cat said...

BAD BOSSES ARE THE WORST SHIT EVER. My theory concerning them is quit before I get so pissed off I say something and am fired.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Vim Vimma said...

Here's some more motivation in addition to the fact that there's only a couple more weeks of chaotic hellish stress: you, me, the posse, this summer, booze, walks, chats, GOOD TIMES BABY! Courage ma belle :) UGH I sound like someone I met in Saskatoon HELP! "Courage ma belle"...that's so not me!!
Getting back to what I was saying, at the end of this very short road you'll sit back and realize all the work, stress and other nonsense was worth it.

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hate to pile on to your existing pressures, but u need to update your blog more often. i'm in bloody africa and i still find time to do it.

all we need is a sentence or two every two days explaining what's up. nothing more.


9:39 AM  

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