Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"i think my life is passing me byy... "

I have taken to listening to in my office while working to create a background noise that I enjoy and feign off the daze-inducing boredom that I felt myself falling into when I had to type of reports.

As I have stated before, certain songs/albums are successful in stirring strong feelings of nostalgia. “Brother Down” was essentially one of the biggest songs from the summer of 2002. That was also the first summer that I worked as a lifeguard at the outdoor North Toronto pool. So it just came up on my “Sam Roberts” play list – I love this song, and I love Sam Roberts. It now reminds me of what that first summer at NT was like… and how far away it is starting to feel. Yet, while listening to this song and sitting in my office, the pungent smell of chlorine mixed with sunscreen seems to float my way, as the splashes and screams of little children fill my ears. It was also hugely successful Canadian rock anthem – and I think it still is. When I saw Sam Roberts play at the Ottawa Blues fest, it impressed me to see EVERYONE singing along. And they all seemed to be smiling too. So many my memories of it aren’t really that unique. Maybe it reminds everyone of a summer, when it seemed that everything was alright.


Blogger Vim Vimma said...

"Yet, while listening to this song and sitting in my office, the pungent smell of chlorine mixed with sunscreen seems to float my way, as the splashes and screams of little children fill my ears."
Wow...for some reason the image of Bertram just appeared before me. Nicely written :)

4:50 PM  

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