Friday, July 21, 2006

Yesterday afternoon I took an afternoon break with my friend Jamie (girl). When you work at an art gallery, your breaks include walking around the gallery or checking out special collections. And that is exactly what we did. There is currently an Emily Carr exhibition - part of the "summer blockbuster" series as they refer to them here.
I was taken aback by the layout and design of the exhibition; by the variety and extent of Emily Carr's work and that she was also a recognised writer (yeah I had no idea!).

Even if I was an Art History major and even if I work in a museum - I will assure you that there is absolutely no corellation between education and levels of sophisticated thought in a museum.

An example of my thoughts (yes, I sadly said this out loud) :

"Wow, those trees really look like factorial brocolli"


Blogger Vim Vimma said...

For a woman living in Ottawa, you sure don't have many stories to share...unless you've got better things to do than write about 'em! If so, hand out my number as well.

4:27 PM  

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