Thursday, July 06, 2006

Bonjour, comment ca va? You have reached the desk of A. Cherry, at the National Gallery of Canada...

I haven't blogged in waaaaaaay too long. I meant to after my first day of work, but on Tuesday night I was saved from the boredom of an evening alone and went out to see "The Devil Wears Prada" with the few friends that I do have in Ottawa. And yesterday night, after a long weekend with the family in Ottawa and the stress of starting a new job, I crashed. Last night, I went to bed early and watched TV. I guess voluntarily going to bed at 10 and wake up at 7 means I am officially no longer a student. Honestly, I am happy to have the strindent routine of 9-5. In university I missed the regular routine that high school offered.. especially because I thought it was a challenge to get out of bed in the morning, unless there really was something special. Then again, I did have a consistent routine while in France, althought it was, to be honest more of a go to bed at 2am and get up at 1030am routine. A routine isn't only heathly but can promote productivity, and set good eating habits. Ofcourse people can say that routines may become a trap, but so far, as long as there is a moderate amount of flexibility in your routine, I can only view it as being a new positive part of my life here.

My first day was overwhelming. Ofcourse I got lost trying to find the employee entrance at the National Gallery and was 15 mins late even if I had been looking for where to go for 25 minutes. I then met all the people with who I had been comunicating over email and the phone with, the head of HR, my future supervisor and then all of the people in the education department (I am still working on all their names). Then my supervisior Monique, gave me a tour of the bowels of the Gallery. I saw where the art came in, where the conservation labs were, where collections were stored, security, IT area... Yes, the security at the Gallery is pretty good, you need an electronic security pass to go everywhere (I just got mine yesterday!). Then, Monique showed me to my office. Yes, I got my very own office, and I assure you that it is bigger than my first res room was. Although right now it looks more like a monk's cell. This ofcourse means that I have my own phone and computer. Unfortunately my view is not one that looks onto the canal, but only the curators seem to get that privilege. The only unfortunate part about my office is it's location, which is away from my supervisor and the Education department (who I'm working for) and across from the washroom. I everyone seems to visit me on their way to the washroom! (but no, I do not hear flushing sounds all day).
Yesterday I got a tour of the National Gallery Library, which has an astounding view and collection.

On my third day, I would say that I am still shocked that everyone that I have met (so far) has been remarkably nice and welcoming. I've even met Anne Thomas, the curator of photography - we had a lovely discussion over lunch on Tuesday and I realised that some of my readings last year were written by her. So there have definitely been some geeky art history moments.

One thing that did bring me back to a less popular time in my life : the cafeteria. Yesterday, I hadn't made plans with anyone for lunch, so I walked in alone to the cafeteria and asked people who i had vaguely met that day to sit with them. It turned out to be fine, but I hope to make new friends soon here! Atleast I am friendly with the cashier at the cafeteria (like most museum cafeterias it is quite nice), and I get an employee discount. Today was another day, and my secondary supervisor, the ever energetic Megan, "set me up" with another summer student so that I wouldn't have a lonely lunch.

This weekend will certainly not be a lonely one. Claire, Dave and Majid are coming up to Ottawa! Unfortunately I won't have the things I believe helped me get friends (a pool and my dad the BBQ King), but they'll have to love me without those perks this summer!

Now I am off to hand in my first assignment (yeah, I was writting this along with typing up my assignment this morning!) - let's hope they don't think they made the wrong choice of intern!


Blogger Alykhan Velshi said...

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2:02 PM  
Blogger Alykhan Velshi said...

Yay! I'm really glad you're enjoying the new gig. Although your pool and father's BBQ are enticing, to be sure, there are I think one or two other benefits of being your friend, although off the top of my head I can't think of any.

May I suggest, again, that when you get a moment you read Camille Paglia's 'Sexual Personae.' I don't like the fact that the only artsy book I've read I can't even discuss with my only artsy friend.

To the extent this appeals to you, it is rather liberal in its phallic imagery.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Mlle C said...

Ok Ok.. I'll look into it once I finish the ones I have pilled beside my bed :)

5:12 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

Don't even think of not being a student. Students foreeeever. It is the best excuse for any stupid behaviour :).

While you can use the title intern you still apply for the "get out of jail free" card it entitles you to for absolutely anything. Like... picking up randoms, or getting too drunk, or misspelling strident.

I hope you guys are having a great weekend. I don't know why you guys just didn't have me drive, though. Would have saved the boys a car rental.

7:08 AM  

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