The office experience continues, in its own weird and special way.
I'm making some money and it's amazing location, so I've decided to stick with it till something better comes along (yes, I am already looking). Having friends live close by and a bit of retail therapy (but not TOO much because turns out the pay is less than mediocre) will make it possible to continue.
I worked 6 days of the last week and actually slept almost all day on Sunday. It was my first 40 hour work week in months. Going out late on Thursday and then having to be at work early on Friday didn't help. Neither did going to a bad play on Friday night. Finding a balance with a random work schedule won't be easy, but hopefully it will happen.
Saturday wasn't so bad (besides being terribly tired) because I met the last receptionist (who works twice a month, and only on Saturdays), and she finally explained to me the toxic office politics and the series of events that lead it the messed up situation that it is. I won't get into specifics here, but it all confirmed tensions that I saw between people. And also why I don't totally fit in. I'm sad that A (I don't know how else to refer to her, but I'll have to come up with something else for the other receptionist because all of our names start with As) works so infrequently - we really got along and she was kind of enough to show me what to do/help me without looking bothered when necessary.
As I wrote about last week, I am terrified of getting "stuck" in a job that is underpaid and leaves me intellectually understimulated (smallfat also mentions this in her recent blogging... as well as sexual harassement, something that I have learnt didn't fade away along with the 60s views of women). I have a plan as to fulfill what I wanted to here, and then leave - for another job, to travel, whatever. I've told my parents and my dad agrees with me and ofcourse my mother is playing devils advote on the issue (which she ALWAYS does, so i've continued half listening to her advice and not address her views as it avoid another unnecessary argrument).
I have to say it was good to start 2007 with a job, maybe I still lack that clear sense of purpose, but atleast I'm not sitting at home wishing I had a job to bitch about.
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