Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rehab baby, one more time

It's going to be Lent soon. Props go out to Lindsay and Britney to try and give up the booze! (and special white powder).

I'm not a hard partying starlet, so I have a different list of things I'm considering to give up.
Here is the short list and a few reasons:

Giving up all gossip websites (cause they are a waste of time and are taking over my brainspace - EXAMPLE ABOVE) except for Pinkisthenewblog (why? cause it is only updated once a day, has a somewhat positive spin, and the auteur is a massive NIN fan)

Giving up superfluous msn usage or atleast limiting msn time usage (so I waste less time). And by limit it, I mean only really talk to ppl who don't live in the same area code.

Giving up facebook. That's right. It'll hurt more than msn.

Giving up chips and fries. this will be harder than it seems. it will probably allow my body to be bikini ready tho!
(giving up chocolate is TOO cliche!)

Give up bad dating habits. (HAHAHHAH how the F does that happen? still, I think it is a worthwhile thing to give up!)

Yeah, I think it'd be a good test to my will power.
And my sanity.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I should also add that I got my first parking infraction fee today.
Yup, 30 big ones.

I am totally starting to feel like a grown up.

Oh.... and funny thing about the Dutch: cubicles are illegal (that is right, it is a worker's right to have their own space and their own window). Funny thing #2: All taxi drivers haver Mercedes.. something to do with equality in working conditions.

So this while kafuffle of asking out/getting numbers/exchanging emails resulted in a 7 hour marathon date today after work.

Atleast this guy isn't a loser (ie highly educated, not TOO old, let me pay for some things and was overall nice) but I do think he was scared by my never dying death cough! So that meant no goodnight kiss for me. Even if I drove him home! (and yes, that was my first time doing that!)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Ottawa was awesome.
Great weekend, although now I a little sore all over because of all the skating.
Although TO is amazing, I wouldn't mind moving back to Ottawa... so I was proactive about this and for the twenty minute break I had at work, I printed new job descriptions that I am somewhat qualified for!!

Btw, just want to note this: I'm tyring my best to get rid of people in my life that are full of shit. It's proving a lot harder than I thought.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I've been working for a month and now I am going to take a 3 day vacation and go to Ottawa! I am so excited!

Ugh.. how am I going to live like a normal person and stay in one place for long periods of time?
I constantly need entertainment/something new/something exciting.
I refuse to say I have an "itch" for it, cause really, that just sounds dirty and like crush boy gave me the cooties.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ever talked to someone you like and then get super awkward?
As in, you don't know what to do with your arms and keep repositioning them and your nervousness gets worse and absolutely obvious?
Totally felt like a 14 year old girl Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

i'm comfortable. maybe a little too much so. but'm ok with that.

Before doing time in Kingston, I thought one of the greatest shames for a university graduate was to move back home after undergrad.

Well here I am. And I'm in no rush to leave.

Do I feel shame? Nope.

Instead I feel extremely practical. And happy. Beyond the financial benefits, I'm living in a great house, with two people who actually care about me (enough to wash their own dishes, not make noise after a certain hour, and the best of all - to do most of my laundry). There is nothing like living with someone who will pick you up from the subway at 10:30 pm, after work, and another someone who makes romantic candle-lit dinners on an almost-daily basis.

This ideal living situation won't last forever. Maybe I'll get a boyfriend and we will all start bickering again, maybe they will get sick of me or maybe I'll get a new job and enough money to move past my eternal adolescent state of mind.

Not that I mind this feeling of being perpetually a teenager. It's a great way to deny that I'm in my 20s and should start to assume responsibility about my future (whatever that is).

Ok maybe I should work on that last part. I'm 22 and I am in a somewhat dead-end job. This wasn't a part of my master plan. Accordint to 14 year old me, I should have been in med school by now, not a girl with a degree in Art History, living with her parents.

Wait! There it was, that first tingling of shame.

And then gone again as fast as it came.

As a Gen XYVZ-er (whatever they call us), I think I'm am part of a trend, that of graduates living at home after university... and not feeling guilty about it. At all, how could we even try to live well in a city with ridiculous rent and low paying entry level jobs?
A harsh reality that is so much easier to deal with when you can watch 24 on a big LSD screen with Mom and Dad.

Hmm... maybe that is only my reality... so perhaps I should feel a little bit guilty to live in such rich surroundings?

(Then again, that guilt could just be originating from the repressed Catholic in me. So instead I will just count myself lucky)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Alykhan got it wrong - it's not a two-in-one. Tsk tsk. But that doesn't mean that Two-in-one is a bad thing, I have great anti-cholorein 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner. So there.


Back when I was living the sweet unemployed life, sometimes I felt insulted that my working friend were "ignoring" me. A feeling that seems overwhelmingly silly and self-centered now!!! Yet I feel bad for now having enough time for some of my friends!!!